CA Court Ends Frank Lindsay’s Requirement to Register

A court in California has ended Frank Lindsay’s requirement to register by granting his petition for removal from the registry.  A copy of the court order issued in San Luis Obispo County was sent today by email to attorney Janice Bellucci.  

Frank Lindsay was convicted of a single sex offense in 1979.  He had no prior or subsequent convictions of any kind yet he was required to register for more than 40 years.

Frank Lindsay is author of the book, “We’re All in This Together,” which describes his life both before and after his conviction including significant challenges he and his family faced both personally and professionally.  Copies of the book can be purchased on the Amazon website.

After reading Frank Lindsay’s book, attorney Janice Bellucci founded a non-profit organization that is known today as the Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL).  Frank Lindsay has served as Treasurer of ACSOL since its incorporation in September 2011.  

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Congratulations Frank!

Congratulations, Frank! Your hard work fighting for justice for all registrants with ACSOL for many years has given you the most valuable treasure ever: Freedom from the shackles of the registry!

Congratulations!!! Long overdue.

Congratulations, Frank! Yay!!!
Thank you for writing the book that got ACSOL Started.

PRAISE JESUS!!! This is the best news in a long time. TRULY an Independence Day for Mr. Lindsay!!!

Oh My God, Frank!!!! It’s FINALLY over!! All over! You have hundreds of people that are SO happy for you right now!!!!

This is terrific news on the eve of Independence Day! Congratulations Frank! Thank you for all you have done, and continue to do, for all of us. BIg thanks to Janice too!

Congratulations to my friend Frank! Together we made it across the finish line. It took three attempts to get Frank off of the registry. First, I filed a certificate of rehabilitation but that was stalled and then stopped due to the state supreme court overturning an important case. Second, I filed a petition under the Tiered Registry Law but the court rejected the petition because the CA Department of Justice had not yet assigned Frank to a tier despite the fact he was convicted more than 40 years ago. Third and finally, I filed a second petition under the Tiered Registry Law and the judge signed the court order terminating Frank’s requirement to register on June 6. Frank went to the court twice and asked if the judge had signed a court order yet, but was told both times there was no such order. The signed court order was lost for almost a month before a different court clerk found it in the bottom of an inbox of an employee who was on vacation. The same court clerk sent me on July 3 a copy of the court order signed June 6 by email which is rarely done. She apologized for the delay. I have already sent a copy of the court order to CA Department of Justice and Frank’s profile on the Megan’s Law website has been removed. Again, congratulations to my friend, Frank, who survived COVID and is now free from the CA registry!

Congratulations frank

Congrats Frank your birthday now has extra meaning

Congradulations Frank . ,

What do you think about this ,,, The Application was lost , on the bottom of the pile , Maybe our dog ate it . Bs. .. What can be done about that ?

Congrats, Frank!

You were the pebble that started it all. I’m so happy that you survived COVID to be able to have the state grant you relief from the registry! Truly a great story! Keep on trucking on, Frank. I hope to see the story continue with Janice at the footsteps of SCOTUS, showing a newspaper citing that SCOTUS found the registry unconstitutional!

Congrats frank
A big thanks to you from myself, as well as all of us who contribute to our cause.
Also, nice job on your powerful and well written book.

Congratulations, happy for you and thank you for shedding light on this difficult situation many find themselves in. Thank you for dedicating your time as well! Thank you Janice for all you’ve done for Frank and others!

Frank must consider himself darn fortunate. Many others are not.

As it turns out our illustrious US Supreme court ruled recently Actual Innocence Might Not Be Enough to Get You Out of Prison.
@stevelehto on YT covered the story.

What occurred in Frank’s case was evidence of the destructive nature of social movements. However being convicted of a crime you didn’t commit is far worse to the credibility of the justice system.

Congratulations Frank! This year’s Independence Day must’ve been especially memorable for you. Thank you for all you have gone through so the rest of us have things a little bit easier.

It is about time! Thanks Frank for being brave and helping the cause.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRANK! KEEP YOUR O2 @ 4 LPM during mems of The Old Reg. C O N G R A T S !
Well deserved and what a Lawyer to get it DONE, JB and Staff, now you can LIVE> Write another Book FL.

Today Frank received a letter from the CA Department of Justice (DOJ) confirming that he is no longer required to register. Hallelujah! Remember, it is the court order granting the petition that ends the requirement to register, not the letter from CA DOJ which is often issued up to 3 months after the court order. It is a good idea to keep copies of both documents – court order and DOJ letter – just in case they are needed in the future.

Last edited 1 year ago by Janice Bellucci

I’ve had a bad day, so the news I just learned now about Frank was just what I needed to cheer me up! Always nice to hear good news!